PLC Doors

The IPFusion PLC Doors integrated system provides door control via programmable logic controllers.


PLC — Programmable Logic Controller.

OPC — Open Platform Communications.

Bitmask — Data used for a bitwise operation to alter the bits in a binary value.

Bitwise Operation — Operations performed on binary values for individual bits.


See the Data Servers page for information on configuring driver communication.


Software Minimum Version
.NET Framework 4.7.2



This asset represents a PLC door.

Communication Settings

Select Tag Tag for communicating asset selected value.
Command Tag Tag for communicating asset commands.
Status Array Tag A Tag for communicating asset status for the doors 1–120.
Status Array Tag B Tag for communicating asset status for the doors 121–240.
Status Array Tag C Tag for communicating asset status for the doors 241–300.
Note: Red X indicates an invalid or out of range value given for field.

Required Property Grid Fields

Door System ID The offset in the OPC array.
Door Type The door type as defined in the integrated system configuration.

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The Intercoms area of the Property grid is compatible with the Harding DXI (Legacy) integrated system only. These fields are not supported for non-legacy intercom integrated systems.

Supported States

Statuses are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

Selection Modes
Zero Bit Select

This selection mode uses a bitwise comparison between the status values in the status table and the incoming status value. Since many status values may match the incoming state using this method, the status priority will be used to compare and match the appropriate status.

The least significant bit in the status value is used to indicate whether the status is in a selected mode or not. If a status is configured for a value of 8 (1000 in binary), then 9 will represent that status in a selected mode (1001 in binary).

Bit Mask Select

This selection mode uses a bitwise comparison between the status values in the status table and the incoming status value. Since many status values may match the incoming state using this method, the status priority will be used to compare and match the appropriate status.

A bit-wise AND comparison is made between the incoming status value and the specified bitmask. If the result is equal to the bitmask, the state is considered to be selected.

Values Select

Assets only appear selected when the current status has been explicitly set to display as selected.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Commands are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.


This asset represents an interlock between multiple doors.

Communication Settings

Select Tag Tag for communicating asset selected value.
Command Tag Tag for communicating asset commands.
Status Tag Tag for communicating asset status.

Required Property Grid Fields

Always Visible Whether the asset is always visible or only when active.
Disable Select Disables the ability to select the asset.
Offset The offset in the OPC array.
Door List List of door assets to be interlocked together.

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Supported States

Statuses are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

Selection Modes
Zero Bit Select

This selection mode uses a bitwise comparison between the status values in the status table and the incoming status value. Since many status values may match the incoming state using this method, the status priority will be used to compare and match the appropriate status.

The least significant bit in the status value is used to indicate whether the status is in a selected mode or not. If a status is configured for a value of 8 (1000 in binary), then 9 will represent that status in a selected mode (1001 in binary).

Bit Mask Select

This selection mode uses a bitwise comparison between the status values in the status table and the incoming status value. Since many status values may match the incoming state using this method, the status priority will be used to compare and match the appropriate status.

A bit-wise AND comparison is made between the incoming status value and the specified bitmask. If the result is equal to the bitmask, the state is considered to be selected.

Values Select

Assets only appear selected when the current status has been explicitly set to display as selected.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Commands are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.


Represents a range of doors.

Communication Settings

Select Tag Tag for communicating asset selected value.
Command Tag Tag for communicating asset commands.
Status Tag Tag for communicating asset status.

Required Property Grid Fields

Door System ID The offset in the OPC array.
Status Array Offset The offset in the OPC status tag array.
Door List List of door assets to be interlocked together.

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Supported States

Statuses are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

Supported Commands

Commands are configured based on PLC integer values as defined in the PLC.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Workflow Integration

System Events


An asset has been touched in Runtime.


An asset has been selected in Runtime.


An asset has been deselected in Runtime.


An assets OPC state has been updated.


An asset command button has been touched in Runtime.

Software Selected

The device controlling doors requires a two-step process to be carried out before it will execute a command selected by the user:
  1. It must receive a signal to select the door. This occurs when an asset is selected. If no other Workstations are currently selecting that door, it comes into a selected state. This is where the Software Selected trigger will be fired.
  2. Once a user has issued a command to the door, it will automatically be deselected.

Normally, the hardware controller is configured to stop multiple Workstations from sending commands at once. This trigger can be used to handle cases where this occurs.

Software Deselected

The device controlling doors requires a two-step process to be carried out before it will execute a command selected by the user:
  1. It must receive a signal to select the door. This occurs when an asset is selected. If no other Workstations are currently selecting that door, it comes into a selected state.
  2. Once a user has issued a command to the door, it will automatically be deselected. This is where the Software Deselected trigger is fired.

Normally, the hardware controller is configured to stop multiple Workstations from sending commands at once. This trigger can be used to handle cases where this occurs.


Logs from the driver and Runtime can be viewed in the Debug Tools client. These messages contain information which can provide further context for issues during initialization, or while actively running. This can help diagnose problems.