Harding DXL

Harding DXL provides intercom integration.


See the Data Servers page for information on configuring driver communication.


The Harding DXL integrated system is compatible with all DXL-compliant Digital Communications Controllers (DCC).


Software Minimum Version
.NET Framework 4.7.2
IPFusion — Harding DXL 1.11

When completing your setup, be sure to have the Harding DXL documentation available for reference.


These ports must be open in your network firewall for the integration to work.

Purpose Default Value Configurable
Master Station 8000 Yes
Dataserver 9522 Yes
Debug Tools 9571 No

Communication Configuration

In the integrated system configuration panel, you will find the Communication Settings. The below information is required.

Workstation The Workstation Harding DXL is controlled from.
Master Station ID The ID of the Master Station.
DCC IP Address The IP Address of the DCC server.
Master Station Port The port for the Master Station connection (starting at 10100).
Note: Red X indicates an invalid or out of range value given for field.

To add Workstations to the Communication Settings, create them in the project. See the Workstations section for more information.


System Asset

This asset represents the connection to the Harding DXL system.

Required Property Grid Fields

Harding ID The Harding DXL ID for the asset.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Master Station Asset

This asset represents a Harding DXL Master Station. They are used to connect Intercoms, other Master Stations, and paging Zones. As each Workstation must have a Master Station connected (but not all Master Stations require a Workstation), the status for other Master Stations not assigned to your Workstation will not be available. As long as there is a connection to the Master Station they will come in a normal status.

Note: Each Workstation requires its own unique Master Station to communicate with the Harding system. If more than one Workstation attempts to use the same Master Station, they will repeatedly disconnect the other. This causes each to display a repeated status swap between Normal and No Communication.

Required Property Grid Fields

Master Station ID The ID of the Master Station. This is not required if the Master Station is assigned to a Workstation.
Workstation The Workstation used to communicate with this Master Station. Select No Workstation if you are connecting via the Master Station ID instead.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Unmanned The Master Station is currently vacant.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Man Flag this Master Station as occupied (Manned).
Unman Flag this Master Station as vacant (Unmanned).
End Page Stop paging this Zone.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Intercom Asset

This asset represents a Harding DXL Intercom. Intercoms are used to make call requests to their related Master Station.

Note: Harding does not report when they do not have intercoms connected. It can only be confirmed that if the connection to the DCC is made properly, that all intercoms are online, unless there is a fault with that station. An incorrectly configured or identified station will appear online, even if it does not exist within the system.

Required Property Grid Fields

Harding ID The Harding DXL ID for the asset.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Monitoring The Master Station is listening to an Intercom.
Recording Intercom is currently recording audio.
Call Request Disabled Intercom cannot make call requests.
Call Requested A call request has been issued.
In Call Intercom is in process of a call.
Panic Alarm Emergency alarm state.
Music Disabled Music has been disabled for this Intercom.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Call Send a call request to the Intercom.
End Call End Intercom call.
Cancel Call Request Cancel current call request.
Call Request Disable Disable call requests on this Intercom.
Call Request Enable Enable call requests on this Intercom.
Monitor Listen to this Intercom from the Master Station.
End Monitor End monitoring of this Intercom.
Record Start recording audio from this Intercom.
End Record End recording from this intercom.
Disable Music Disable music playback on intercom.
Enable Music Enable music playback on intercom.

To configure music for an intercom station, the user must have a physical button which toggles between the music channels as configured in the Harding DXL system. To set up music in Harding, complete the below actions in the Harding system:

  1. Configure the intercom station's physical button to have the function Music Select.
  2. Configure the Music Sources with one entry per audio line.
  3. Configure a program group with the entry consisting of the Music Sources as Member Music Sources.

On the Harding DXL system startup, intercom stations will be able to toggle through the Music Sources by pressing their physical button. If the Disable Music command is sent in Runtime, the intercom will not be able to play music again until the Enable Music command is sent to the intercom station.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Zone (Paging) Asset

The Zone asset represents a paging zone within the Harding DXL system.

Required Property Grid Fields

Harding ID The Harding DXL ID for the asset.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Paging Zone is currently paging.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Page Page this zone.
End Page Stop paging this zone.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Workflow Integration

System Commands

System commands are commands executed through Workflows at the system level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

Start Intercom Call

Starts a call with the specified Intercom.


  • Intercom Asset ID

End Intercom Call

Ends a call with the specified Intercom.


  • Intercom Asset ID


Logs from the driver and Runtime can be viewed in the Debug Tools client. These messages contain information which can provide further context for issues during initialization, or while actively running. This can help diagnose problems.