Kantech EntraPass

The Kantech EntraPass integrated system provides access control integration.


See the Data Servers page for information on configuring driver communication.


The Kantech EntraPass integrated system is compatible with both EntraPass Global and EntraPass Corporate 7.50 and higher.


Software Minimum Version
IPFusion — Kantech EntraPass 1.6
.NET Framework 4.7.2
Important: When getting your license for Kantech, you will require either of these options to allow the integration:
  • E-GLOB-CONNECT, using the integration ID of 56

When completing your setup, be sure to have the Kantech EntraPass documentation available for reference.


These ports must be open in your network firewall for the integration to work.

Purpose Default Value Configurable
Communication Settings 8080 Yes
Dataserver 9628 Yes
Debug Tools 9629 No

Communication Configuration

You will find the Communication Settings in the integrated system configuration panel. The below information is required:

IP Address The IP Address or host name of the Kantech EntraPass server.
Port The Port number for the Kantech EntraPass server connection.
Username The Username of the user to log in as. This is typically a user created specifically for the Runtime connection.
Password The Password of the user to log in as.
Note: Red X indicates an invalid or out of range value given for field.


System Asset

This asset represents the connection state of the system.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Door Asset

This asset represents of the state of a door in the Kantech EntraPass system.

Required Property Grid Fields

Door ID The unique identifier for the door.

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Supported States

No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Forced Open The door has been forcibly opened.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Secure The door is closed and locked.
Unsecure The door is open or unlocked.
Held Open The door is unlocked and being held open for an extended period of time.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Lock Locks the door.
Unlock Unlocks the door.
Pass Temporarily unlocks the door.
  • Seconds Unlocked — The number of seconds, between 1–255, the door will remain unlocked for.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Asset Events

Asset events are accessible to Runtime via Workflows. The Door asset has the below events:

Last Access Event

The Last Access Event contains the details regarding the last access to a door. This can be accessed by adding an Access Denied/Granted trigger to a Workflow. Save the project and select the Last Access Event as the triggering item.

Table 1. Properties
Username The Username of the user that last accessed this asset.
BadgeTemplateID The ID of the template that used for the badge layout.
DateTime The Date and Time of access event.
CardId The ID of the card used for the last access.
Access Granted Whether access was granted (True) or not (False).
Description Details of the Access Event.
Card Status The Status of the Card used in the Last Access Event.
Parent Id The ID of the asset used in the event.
Parent Type The Type of the asset used in the Access Event.

Reader Asset

This asset represents a keypad or card reader.

Required Property Grid Fields

Door ID The unique identifier for the door this Reader is associated with.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Enabled The Reader will read cards and can be interacted with.
Disabled The Reader will not read cards and cannot be interacted with.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Disable Reader Take away the ability to interact with the reader asset.
Enable Reader Allow the reader asset to be interacted with.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Asset Events

Asset events are accessible to Runtime via Workflows. The Reader asset has the below events:

Last Access Event

The Last Access Event contains the details regarding the last access to a door. This can be accessed by adding an Access Denied/Granted trigger to a Workflow. Save the project and select the Last Access Event as the triggering item.

Table 2. Properties
Username The Username of the user that last accessed this asset.
BadgeTemplateID The ID of the template that used for the badge layout.
DateTime The Date and Time of access event.
CardId The ID of the card used for the last access.
Access Granted Whether access was granted (True) or not (False).
Description Details of the Access Event.
Card Status The Status of the Card used in the Last Access Event.
Parent Id The ID of the asset used in the event.
Parent Type The Type of the asset used in the Access Event.

Output Asset

This asset represents an output device, e.g., LED or buzzer.

Required Property Grid Fields

Output ID The unique identifier for the output asset in the Kantech EntraPass system.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Present The Kantech system acknowledged the existence of this output.
Controller Fault The Kantech system has detected an issue with the controller for this output.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.
Activate Output Activate the output device (e.g., turn on an LED).
Deactivate Output Deactivate the output device (e.g., turn of an LED).
Timed Activation Temporarily activate the output device.
  • Seconds Active — The time in seconds to activate the output device.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Input Asset

This asset represents an input device, e.g., a button.

Required Property Grid Fields

Input ID The unique identifier for the input asset in the Kantech EntraPass system.

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Supported States

Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Active The asset is online and can be interacted with.
Inactive The asset is online and cannot be interacted with.
Tamper The asset has been tampered with.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Workflow Integration

The below information is specific to the Kantech EntraPass system. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

System Events

System events are used to trigger Workflows at the system level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

Gateway Connection Changed

This event triggers when the connection to a gateway goes offline or comes online.

Table 3. Trigger Item Properties
Gateway ID The identifier for the gateway whose connection status has changed.
Gateway Name The name of the gateway whose connection status has changed.
Gateway Connected State The connection state to the gateway.


Logs from the driver and Runtime can be viewed in the Debug Tools client. These messages contain information which can provide further context for issues during initialization, or while actively running. This can help diagnose problems.