Spectralink Phones

The Spectralink Phones integrated system provides message sending and receiving services into IPFusion.


See the Data Servers page for information on configuring driver communication.


The Spectralink Phones integrated system is compatible with Spectralink 77 Series Phones.


Software Minimum Version
IPFusion — Spectralink Phones 1.0
.NET Framework 4.7.2

When completing your setup, be sure to have the Spectralink documentation available for reference.


These ports must be open in your network firewall for the integration to work.

Communication Configuration

In the integrated system configuration panel, you will find the Communication Settings. The following information is required:

Server URL The URL used to connect to the Spectralink server.
Username The username for the account used to connect to the Spectralink server.
Password The password for the account used to connect to the Spectralink server.

Data Server Configuration

By default, the system service running on the Data Server will:

  • Automatically delete messages which have been responded to with Accept or Callback from handsets in the same group which did not respond
  • Allow messages to be deleted from handsets manually once responded to with Accept or Callback
  • Keeps connection to call source alive for 20 minutes to reduce load on the Spectralink server and improve reliability

To disable/change value for any of these options, please contact support for assistance.



This asset represents the Spectralink system connection to Runtime.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

77 Series Phone

This asset represents a Spectralink 77 Series phone. This asset will always come in a normal status if Runtime is able to connect to the Spectralink server. Otherwise it will be in no communication.

Required Property Grid Fields

Endpoint ID The identifier for the phone this asset represents.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Supported Commands

Mask Mask the asset's true state.
Acknowledge Acknowledge an asset alarm.
Reset Resets the asset to its true hardware state.
Cancel Deselects all selected assets.

See the Command Tables page for more information on configuring command tables.

Care Group

This asset represents a care group in the Spectralink system. This asset will always come in a normal status if Runtime is able to connect to the Spectralink server. Otherwise it will be in no communication. The care group asset does not support commands.

Required Property Grid Fields

Assign Phones A list of phone assets associated with this care group. A phone can be added to multiple care group assets. The same phone cannot be assigned to the same care group multiple times. This property is used to send messages to phones within the care group via the Send Message to Care Group Workflow command.

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Supported States

Normal The asset is online and in its default state.
Fault An issue has been detected in a connected asset.
Masked The asset has been masked over its true state.
Acknowledged An asset alarm has been acknowledged.
No Communication Communication has been lost with the driver or asset. This status can also occur if the communication configuration for the system or asset is invalid.
Note: This status is required in all status tables.

See the Configure a Status Table page for more information on configuring status tables.

Workflow Integration

Asset Events

Asset events are used to trigger Workflow actions on an asset level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

Response Received

This trigger fires when a message is received for a phone asset. The responses we can receive are: Accept, Reject, and Callback. Note that when a response of Accept or Callback is sent for a message, it will be automatically cleared from all phones in the group which received the original message, and did not respond. If the response received is Reject, it will only clear from the phone which Rejected it.

Table 1. Properties
Care Group The care group the responding phone is from.
Message ID The identifier for the message received on this phone
Response The body of the received message.
Source The number which the message was received from.

System Commands

System commands are commands executed through Workflows at the system level. For more information about Workflows, see the Workflows section.

Send Message to 77 Series Phone

Sends a message to a phone. The phone must have a correlating asset in the project with a defined endpoint ID.

Table 2. Parameters
Asset ID The asset ID of the phone asset the message will be sent to.
Message The body of the message being sent. The message can be up to 52 characters long.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Callback Number The phone number any responses to this message are sent to.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Source The asset ID of the phone this message originates from.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Priority The priority of the message from 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest).

Send Message to Care Group

Sends a message to all phones assigned to a specified care group.

Table 3. Parameters
Asset ID The asset ID or caption of the care group asset the message will be sent to. If the value entered is numerical, it will be matched against the IDs of assets in the project. If the value is a string, it will be matched against asset captions instead. Due to this, if an asset has a numerical caption, it will fail to properly match to the desired asset.
Note: If this value is a string, it must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Message The body of the message being sent. The message can be up to 52 characters long.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Callback Number The phone number any responses to this message are sent to.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Source The asset ID of the phone this message originates from.
Note: This must be surrounded by quotation marks ("").
Priority The priority of the message from 1 (lowest) to 8 (highest).

Clear Call

Clears a call from the queue of phones. The messages cleared will be the all queued messages from a specified source phone. Note that when a response of Accept or Callback is sent for a message, it will be automatically cleared from all phones in the group which received the original message — and did not respond — without the use of this command.

Source The asset ID of the phone this message originates from.


Logs from the driver and Runtime can be viewed in the Debug Tools client. These messages contain information which can provide further context for issues during initialization, or while actively running. This can help diagnose problems.