C·CURE 9000 Event Notification Example

The Event Notification Workflow trigger in the C·CURE 9000 system fires when an event specified in the C·CURE system has become active. In this example, we will be creating a Workflow which triggers on a button press (resulting in an input becoming active) by a door. This will then provide the Runtime operator the option to unlock the door or deny entry.

Note: Alarm events which require acknowledgement are not supported for this. Alarm events must be triggered from a device (input, door, or reader) and the device must have a corresponding asset within the project.
  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click Interactive Workflows and select Add.
  2. Double-click the Start block and select the trigger.
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Objects pane, expand Integrated Systems > Software House C·CURE 9000 > Assets > Input and select the input asset for the button you want to trigger from.
    3. In the Events pane, select Event Notification.
      Event Notification Selection Screen
    4. Click OK.
  3. Add a Logic block to the Workflow and connect the Start block's exit path to the top of it. Double-click the Logic block to configure it.
    Start block connected to logic block
    1. Expand Triggering Item > Initial and select Event Notification.
    2. In the Properties pane, select Name.
    3. In the Operations section, select =.
    4. In the Constants section, select String.
    5. In the string field, enter the name of the event which will trigger when the button is pushed. In this example, we are using Button Pressed.
      Configuration settings for the logic block
    6. Click OK.
  4. Connect the Logic block's False exit path to the Stop block.
    Connecting logic block to stop block
  5. Add a Decision block, and connect it to the Logic block's True exit path. Configure the block:
    Connecting logic block to decision block
    1. In the Properties grid, select Display Text and enter "Entry through door has been requested".
    2. Drag an Action block onto the canvas. Connect an exit path from the Decision block to it.
    3. Select the Decision block and expand Decision Buttons.
    4. Label the button as "Allow".
    5. Drag another exit path to connect to the Stop block. Label this path as "Deny".
      Note: You can connect the exit paths to the same Stop block, or add multiple to your Workflow.
      Connect decision block to action and stop blocks
  6. Double-click the Action block to configure it.
    1. Expand Integrated Systems > Software House C·CURE 9000 > Assets > Door and select the door asset which we want to open.
    2. In the Commands pane, select the Pass command.
      Note: The Pass command must be in that asset's command table for it to appear here.
      Configuration of the action block
    3. Click OK.
    4. Connect the exit path for the Action block to the Stop block.
      Connect action block to stop block

When this Workflow executes in Runtime, it will fire upon having the "Button Pressed" event occurring in C·CURE on the specified input. The Runtime operator will be notified and presented with the option to allow or deny access through the door. Allowing access will temporarily unlock the door. Denying access will not result in any further action taken.