SNMP Value Changed Trigger Example

The Value Changed Workflow trigger can be used to track when an SNMP object's value is changed. Using the trigger properties, we can gather the current value as well. In the below example, we are using an SNMP object which is tracking the temperature in a building, and sending that value to a Rainbow Gauge so it is easily viewable to the Runtime operator.

Before starting, the project will already have:
  • A configured SNMP instance with an object asset
    • The asset in the example will be tracking integer values for the building temperature
  • A Rainbow Gauge will already be added to a Display Layout

To use the Value Changed trigger to send the temperature to a Rainbow Gauge:

  1. In Project Explorer, right-click Background Workflows and select Add.
  2. Set the Workflow trigger.
    1. Double-click the Start block to open the trigger browser.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Expand Integrated Systems > IPFusion SNMP > Object and select the object asset which is tracking the building temperature.
    4. In the Events pane, select Value Changed, then OK. Click OK again.
  3. Add an Action block to the Workflow, connecting it to the Start and Stop blocks.
  4. Set the Workflow action to send the value to the Rainbow Gauge.
    1. Double-click the Action block to open the action browser.
    2. Expand Display Layouts, then the layout the Rainbow Gauge is located in. Select the Rainbow Gauge.
    3. In the Expression pane, select Current Value and click Advanced.
    4. Expand Triggering Item and select Initial.
    5. In the Properties pane, double-click Current Status Value, then click OK.

When the SNMP object changes its value in Runtime, the Rainbow Gauge will automatically update to display its value.

Tip: The unit for the Rainbow Gauge can be configured directly in its Properties.