Configure a Zone in the Actall ATLAS RTLS Web Dashboard

Zones must be configured in the Actall ATLAS RTLS web dashboard in order to use the zone in Designer and Runtime.

Before configuring your zones, you may want to configure your locators first. They are used within the zone configuration.

To configure a zone in the web dashboard:

  1. In the web dashboard navigation, click Zones.
  2. If the zone does not yet exist, click Create New. Otherwise, find it in the list and click Edit.
  3. Configure the zone settings:
    Designated Test Zone Check this option if the zone is to be used to test tags, and not for normal location tracking.
    Important: Any tag alarms triggered within a test zone will not be sent to Runtime.
    Locator IDs Click Add+ and select a locator ID to add the locator to this zone.
    Note: A locator should only ever be added to one zone. Having a locator in multiple zones can cause status resolution issues.
  4. Click Create/Save.