Perform Tag Maintenance in Actall Hubsens

When a tag has undergone maintenance, you may test the complete functionality for that tag within the web dashboard. This ensures that you are sending out the right type of alarms, rather than tag testing which confirms Actall can receive the button press event.

To perform tests in maintenance mode:

  1. If you have not already, connect to the Actall server.
  2. From the web dashboard, click Tag Maintenance in the top menu.
  3. From the list, click the tag you wish to test.
  4. Activate all alarms you wish to test in this mode. They will appear under Tag Events. If you do not see your alarm listed under this section, there may be an issue with your tag.
    Note: Any alarms sent by a tag in maintenance mode will not be annunciated publicly.
  5. When complete, click Exit Maintenance Mode. This mode will also automatically time out after 30 seconds.