Edit Actall Hubsens Tag

In the event the information for a tag must be updated, you can make changes to it via the web dashboard.

To edit a tag:

  1. If you have not already, connect to the Actall server.
  2. From the web dashboard, click Tags in the top menu.
  3. Scroll to the tag you wish to change and click Edit.
  4. Edit the below information:
    • Device Type — Whether this is a normal Tag or an HDT (Heavy Duty Tag).
    • Given ID — The ID provided on your tag.
    • Is Supervision Suppressed — Check this option to suppress supervision alarms.
    • Supervision Interval — How long the Actall system will wait to receive a connection to the tag before generating a supervision alarm.
    • Suppressed Alarm Type Flags — Check the alarm types which you want to suppress for this tag.
    • Assign To — Assign a person to this tag.
  5. Once your edits are complete, click Save.